This recipe is the perfect healthy plantain snack, no salt, no additives whatsoever and you know exactly what goes into it. Hassle free just 2 ingredients 😊.

Unripe/green plantain (I used 4 plantains). 3 servings of the bowl in the picture above. For the recipe please use unripe plantain, using ripe plantain will result in mashy results as the peel/crisp won't hold.
1/3 litre of extra virgin oil. This is a healthier option for my personal preference, you can use sunflower oil for a cheaper option. Because extra virgin oil is a bit pricey, I opted to shallow fry and not deep fry.
Cooking Method
Peel the unripe using a potato peeler. When you get to the seeds, it's a bit hard to peel so you can just fry a thicker chip.
Heat the olive oil on medium. If the oil is too hot, it will immediately burn the crisp, we want a yellow to yellow brown colour and not dark brown chip.
Once the oil is heated, add enough peels to the pan but not too much so they all cook evenly and quicker.
It should take 30 seconds to 1 minute to fry a batch.

Enjoy this snack on its own or with your favourite dip. It' perfect with guacamole.